Caustic Soda

Caustic Soda with NaOH chemical formula and common names, Caustic Soda and Solid Caustic Soda in the form of solid, white, and odorless solids. Water is highly corrosive and does not produce undesirable by-products such as Carbon Dioxide or other carbonates in chemical processes and is widely used in industries such as oil and gas and petrochemical industries, paper and pulp industries, textile industries, food, and agricultural industries, paint, and resin industries, degreasing industry and other related industries, pharmaceutical industry, alcohol and cosmetics, metal industry, plating and galvanizing, aluminum and zinc glass production, battery industry, etc.

Pay attention to the following items in the transportation and storage of profits:

  • Store in a dry place with proper ventilation.
  • A covered warehouse away from incompatible materials such as acid, etc. should be considered to keep the profit of the leaf. Only, when necessary, the bag lid should be opened and after use, the bag lid should be closed properly.
  • Baking soda produces a lot of heat when dissolved in water.
  • Warning signs including corrosion, etc. should be exposed


1. In the package, the flakes are packed in 25 kg bags with a width of 80 x 50 and a weight of two layers of 80 x 60 g. These bags must be sewn with strong polyester thread because if the ordinary thread is used, the profit of the flake will eventually rot and dissolve the sewing thread. As air enters the bags, the caustic soda becomes clumpy and with the combination of air and sodium hydroxide, the clumped material swells, and eventually, the bag splits and disintegrates. Safety and health principles must be observed when moving this type of profit to prevent physical injuries. Therefore, when working with flaky profit, pay attention to the safety instructions of working with flaky profit.